Darby Darrow


Darby Darrow has been training in the martial arts since 1973. He is a fourth degree black belt in Ed Parker's Kenpo Karate, and was a personal student of Mr. Parker's until his death in 1990.

Mr. Darrow has trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Reylson Gracie and Roy Harris since 1993. Mr. Darrow received his black belt in BJJ from Mr. Harris in 2010.

Mr. Darrow has also trained in Kendo, Iaido, Aikido and Escrima.

Mr. Darrow has completed CrossFit Level 1 and 2, CrossFit Nutrition and CrossFit Kids courses.

Mr. Darrow spent 23 years on a large metropolitan police force in Southern California with 20 years on SWAT. He shoots handgun, rifle and shotgun competitively.



Connor Darrow


Connor Darrow has been training in Kenpo Karate and BJJ since 1999 and holds a second degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and a purple belt in BJJ.




Cari King


Cari has been training in Martial Arts since 1996, and has been teaching Women's Self Defense for 15 years.  She has been studying with Rockpile Dojo for 10 years and currently holds a Brown Belt in Kenpo Karate and a Blue Belt in BJJ.